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Abstract #4900

Fast Time-Resolved Cine Sequence Using Temporal Regularization for Small Animal Cardiac Imaging on a Clinical 3T Scanner

Bndicte Delattre1, Vincent Braunersreuther2, Jean-Nol Hyacinthe1, Jean-Paul Valle1, Dimitri Van De Ville3,4

1University of Geneva - Faculty of medicine, Geneva, Switzerland; 2Division of Cardiology - Department of Medicine, Geneva University Hospital - Foundation for medical researchers, Geneva, Switzerland; 3Department of Radiology and Medical Informatics - University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland; 4Institute of Bioengineering - Ecole Polytechnique Fdrale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland

Small animal cardiac imaging on clinical scanners allows contributing effectively to translational medicine. However, hardware limitations prevent obtaining the same space and time resolution than with dedicated instrumentation. Here, we propose a novel method to improve time resolution for cardiac mouse imaging. By combining two fast repetitions with temporal regularization based on l1-minimization in the Fourier domain, we achieve a TR=6.5 ms with an in-plane resolution of 257 μm2 and reduce efficiently artifacts resulting from the combination of the two repetitions.
