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Abstract #4898

Magnetic Resonance Multi-View Inverse Imaging (MV InI) for Human Brain

Kevin Wen-Kai Tsai1, Thomas Witzel2, Fa-Hsuan Lin1,3

1Institute of Biomedical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan; 2A. A. Martinos Center; 3A. A. Martinos Center, Massachusetts General Hospital, Charlestown, MA, United States

To solve the anisotropic spatial resolution of MR inverse imaging (InI) reconstruction method, we propose the multi-view InI (MV InI) to using a few projections and a highly parallel detection to achieve high spatiotemporal MR dynamic imaging. Specifically, we used three orthogonal projections and a 32-channel head coil array to achieve the effective TR of 300 ms and 4 mm3 isotropic spatial resolution. We demonstrated the acquisitions and reconstruction of MV InI using in vivo data. This method achieved a 8 times faster temporal resolution than conventional multi-slice EPI acquisitions.
