Seunghoon Nam1,2, Mehmet Akakaya1,2,
Peng Hu2, Warren Manning2, Vahid Tarokh1,
Reza Nezafat2
1Harvard University, Cambridge, MA,
United States; 2Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard
Medical School, Boston, MA, United States
reconstruction methods combining parallel MRI and compressed sensing (CS)
have been recently proposed to accelerate image acquisition and showed great
promise. Inherited from parallel MRI, these techniques utilize the coil
sensitivity information in their reconstruction procedure. The quality of
reconstructed image is affected by the quality of coil sensitivity estimation
and different reconstruction methods have different susceptibilities to the
coil sensitivity estimation depending on how the coil sensitivity is used in
their reconstruction. In this study, we investigate the impact of coil
sensitivity estimation on two reconstruction methods: SparseSENSE and
distributed CS-SENSE.