Jake Samuel Burrell1, Jane Halliday2,
Simon Walker-Samuel3, John C. Waterton2, Jessica Boult1,
Yann Jamin1, Lauren C. Baker1, Simon P. Robinson1
1The Institute of Cancer Research,
Sutton, Surrey, United Kingdom; 2AstraZeneca, Manchester, United
Kingdom; 3UCL, London, United Kingdom
changes in R1, sensitive to dissolved paramagnetic molecular
oxygen in the blood, and R2*, dependent on paramagnetic
deoxyhaemoglobin, were determined in the same murine GH3 prolactinomas. Carbogen significantly increased R1
and reduced R2* in all tumours.
A weak yet statistically significant positive correlation was
determined between δR1 and δR2*. Tumour regions exhibiting a large reduction
in R2* yet small δR1 may indicate hypoxic tumour
tissue. The combined use of δR1
and δR2* may prove more informative for the assessment of
tumour hypoxia.