Amr Morsi1,2, Evelyn Voura1,2,
Susan Pun2, Minh Dung Hoang2, Asad Baig3,
Erik Parker1, John Golfinos1, Youssef Zaim Wadghiri2
1Neurosurgery, NYU langone medical
center, NYC, NY, United States; 2RADIOLOGY, NYU langone medical
center, NYC, NY, United States; 3Radiology, NYU langone medical
center, NYC, NY, United States
group at NYU medical center tried to establish a murine model of melanoma
brain metastasis and implement an MRI protocol to longitudinally follow the
metastatic tumor over time which will aid in therapeutic studies. Although
the established model spread to unconventional sites ( intra-ventricular and
meningeal) instead of parenchymal, the MRI studies conducted showed promising
results since it echoed the MRI characteristic findings observe in clinical