Martin1, Xavier Matre1, Mathieu Sarracanie1,
Marlies Friese2, Ludovic de Rochefort1, Rose-Marie
Dubuisson1, Emeline Boriasse1, Emmanuel Durand1
1Imagerie par Rsonance Magntique
Mdicale et MultiModalits (UMR8081), Univ Paris-Sud, CNRS, Orsay, France; 2Center
for Magnetic Resonance, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland,
flow measurement techniques have mostly been used in liquids. For coherent
motion (flow), bipolar gradients induce a phase shift and a signal drop for
incoherent motion (diffusion). This effect, negligible for liquids, cannot be
neglected for gases. Competition between these two phenomena results in the
existence of an optimal FOS that could be theoretically determined. 2D
velocity maps of parabolic flows were acquired with different FOS and gases.
Results show that velocity error is a function of the FOS and a different
optimal FOS is reached for each gas. Thus, they validate our theoretical