Ahmed F. Halaweish1, Daniel R. Thedens1,
Jered P. Sieren1, Eric A. Hoffman1, Edwin J.R. vanBeek1
1University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA,
United States
3Helium MRI Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC) measurements
enable probing of the lung microstructure and evaluation of pathological
processes that affect airspace size. We successfully evaluated ADC
measurements as a function of lung volume in 12 never-smoker subjects across
three different lung volumes (20%, 60% & 100%VC). Significant differences
between each lung volume were observed, along with significant ventral-dorsal
gradients at the 20%VC volume and a more homogenous left-right distribution
at 100%VC only. Results suggest that patterns of ADC throughout the lungs in
the never-smoker subjects follow proper distribution and ventilation patterns
and emphasize the importance of controlled lung inflation.