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Abstract #4487

Diffusion Tensor Imaging Indices in a Model of Focal Ischemia in Rats

Usama Abo-Ramadan1,2, Miia pitkonen2, Eric Pedrono2, Ivan Marinkovic1,2, Aysan Durukan1,2, Turgut Tatlisumak1,2

1Dept of Neurology, Helsinki Uiversity Central Hospital, Helsinki, Finland; 2Experimental MRI Laboratory, Biomedicum Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland

We measure the DT indices changes in stroke model from the hyperacute to chronic phase. Rats are sub-jected to focal cerebral ischemia for 90 minutes followed by reperfusion. DT imaging studies were performed with a 4.7 T scanner. Significant DT indices changes were related to the evolution of the transient MCAO. DTI indices may allow separate evaluation of the treatment response of white and gray matter to neuroprotective therapy. DTI analysis of directional diffusivities could provide additional information to FA and MD, and may reflect more specifically the histological changes of reduced mye-lination and axonal injury.
