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Abstract #4466

fMRI in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Antiphospholipid Syndrome

Aziz M. Ulug1, An Vo1, Elisabeth Kozora2,3, Glendalee Ramon4, Joann Vega4, Robert D. Zimmerman5, Doruk Erkan4, Michael D. Lockshin4

1The Feinstein Institute for Medical Research, Manhasset, NY, United States; 2National Jewish Heath, Denver, CO, United States; 3University of Colorado Medical Center, Denver, CO, United States; 4Hospital for Special Surgery, New York, United States; 5Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York, United States

Fourteen SLE patients, five APL patients and four normal controls were studied using fMRI and DTI. We found significant DTI and fMRI differences among three groups. In both patient groups, word generation task shows abnormal activation patterns in the frontal areas suggestive of recruitment of these areas during these tasks. In the hippocampal area, there is a significant difference between APL and SLE group during N-back, word generation and rhyming tasks. In addition to regional differences, there is also whole brain diffusion changes between the patient groups and controls.