Cardenas-Blanco1,2, Eve Chung Tsai3,4
1Radiology, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute,
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada; 2Cellular and Molecular Medicine,
University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada; 3Neurosurgery, The
Ottawa Hospital, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada; 4Cellular and Molecular
medicine, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Tensor Imaging (DTI) and its ability to delineate the motion of water
molecules and subsequently white matter tracts has become more important
during the last years in the study of spinal cord. Nevertheless, due to the
lack of resolution and the poor signal to noise ratio, it is still one of the
big challenges in clinical MR research. In this abstract a new approach to
quantitatively assess SC tissue is presented. This new approach is based in
the combination of quantitative information obtained from DTI; Fractional
Anisotropy (FA) and Mean Diffusivity (MD); taking advantage of the singular
geometry of the SC.