Noam Alperin1, Murat Bagci, Sang H. Lee,
Lara Eftimov2, Birgit Ertl-Wagner2
1University of Miami, Miami, FL, United
States; 2University of Munich, Germany
utilizes the water in arterial blood as endogenous contrast agent to assess
cerebral blood perfusion and therefore is becoming more commonly used. A
perfusion image is generated by subtracting a tagged image from a control
image, where the tagged image is acquired following the labeling of the blood
upstream. The time delay between the labeling and the image acquisition is
the transient time. The choice of this delay can affect the derived CBF
values. This project aims to compare between measurements of total CBF
obtained with ASL and phase contrast MRI. The comparison was done over a wide
range of CBF values by manipulating the subjects end tidal pCO2 level.
Results from this comparison suggest that the PC based tCBF values could be
used for calibrations of relative ASL derived CBF values.