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Abstract #4076

Effect of Arterial Blood Signal Measurements on the Repeatability and Accuracy of Whole Brain CBF Values with 3D-PULSAR Imaging

Neville D. Gai1, Sardha L. Talagala2, John A. Butman1

1Radiology & Imaging Sciences, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, United States; 2NINDS, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, United States

3D-PULSAR and 3D-IR-PULSAR provide whole brain perfusion imaging in about 5 minutes. Quantification of CBF is done using the Buxton model in conjunction with a QUIPSS II saturation pulse to define bolus length. Measurement of the arterial blood signal (M0A)is considered the single most important factor affecting accuracy and repeatability of CBF values in such a model. We investigated repeatability across volunteers with and without this source of error. It is shown that M0A does not contribute significantly more than other sources of errors as long as parial volume and saturation effects are avoided. In addition, experiments with the same volunteers and different sessions provided average CBF values that were within 3% of each other.
