Gozzi1, Michela Tessari1, Federica Agosta1,
Lisa Dacome1, Mauro Corsi1, Angelo Bifone1
CEDD, GlaxoSmithKline, Verona, Verona, Italy, Italy
abuse is often modelled in experimental paradigms where rats are trained to
self-administer the drug. However, the exact degree to which these models
replicate the neurofunctional and microstructural alterations observed in
neuroimaging studies of cocaine-addicts remains unknown. Here we used
Diffusion Tensor Imaging to investigate white matter integrity in a rodent
model of long-term, long-access self-administration of cocaine. We found
substantial microstructural alterations in the frontal corpus callosum, a
hallmark of reduced white matter integrity consistently observed in cocaine
abusers. These findings strengthen the construct-validity of this
self-administration model to investigate the neuroanatomical substrates
involved in the transition from occasional drug use to chronic drug