Chunlei Liu1,2, Yi Jiang3, G.
Allan Johnson3
1Brain Imaging and Analysis Center,
Duke University, Durham, NC, United States; 2Radiology, Duke
University, Durham, NC, United States; 3Center for In Vivo Microscopy,
Duke University, Durham, NC, United States
propose a method for tracking a magnetic network existing in the white
matter. The proposed method utilizes a previously unexplored magnetic
property of white matter fibers. We found that the magnetic moment of white
matter varies significantly when measured at different brain orientations
with respect to the external field. This orientation dependence can be
modeled by an apparent susceptibly tensor. Decomposing this tensor into its
eigensystem revealed a spatially coherent network. Following the orientation
of the major eigenvector, we were able to map distinctive magnetic pathways
in 3D. The relationship between the magnetic network and fiber pathways is