Ali Tabesh1, Jens H. Jensen1,
Babak A. Ardekani2, Joseph A. Helpern1,2
1Radiology, New York University School of
Medicine, New York, NY, United States; 2Medical Physics, The
Nathan S. Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research, Orangeburg, NY, United
diffusional kurtosis imaging model of non-Gaussian water diffusion is
parameterized by the diffusion and kurtosis tensors, which are typically
estimated via unconstrained least squares (LS) methods. Unfortunately, these
methods do not necessarily produce physically and biologically plausible
tensor estimates. We address this drawback by formulating the estimation
problem as linearly constrained linear LS. Comparison of in vivo mean
kurtosis maps obtained using the proposed formulation and unconstrained
linear LS highlights the improved estimation quality. The proposed
formulation achieves comparable map quality with fewer gradient images than
the unconstrained LS approach, offering a savings of 38% in acquisition time.