Geron Andre Bindseil1, Timothy J. Scholl1,
William B. Handler1, Chad T. Harris1, Blaine A. Chronik1
1Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada
conventional PET and MRI faces numerous technical challenges, particularly
the sensitivity of photomultiplier tube-based (PMT) PET detectors to magnetic
fields. The authors describe an approach to PET/MRI in which a resistive
electromagnet shield is used to null the field at the PMTs of a conventional
PET system in the vicinity of a superconducting MRI system. The
electromagnetic characteristics of the shield coil are presented. This
approach benefits from allowing the use of commercially available PET systems,
which include state-of-the-art timing & energy resolution, high
sensitivity, and highly optimized event processing hardware.