Alonso Lopez1,2, Felix Breuer2, Daniel Gareis1,3,
Peter Michael Jakob1,2
Physics 5, University of Wuerzburg, Wuerzburg, Bavaria, Germany; 2Research
Center Magnetic Resonance Bavaria, Wuerzburg, Bavaria, Germany; 3Noras
MRI Products GmbH, Hoechberg, Bavaria, Germany
hole-slotted coil design provides a deeper RF penetration into the sample
compared to standard loop designs and has already been shown to operate as an
array with capacitive decoupling at 7 T. In this work, the applicability of
overlap decoupling in a hole-slotted loop-geometry array is investigated at
1.5 and 7 T. The overlap ratio for an optimal decoupling has been
experimentally found. The hole-slotted geometry is a well-suited design in an
array setup using overlap decoupling. At 7 T has been shown to have
approximately the same RF penetration than the hole-slotted array with
capacitive decoupling.