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Abstract #3863

Improvement in High Field Pulsed Arterial Spin Labelling Using Dielectric Pads: A Simulation and Experimental Study

Wouter Teeuwisse1, Christopher Collins2, Ching Wang2, Qing Yang2, William Ma2, Nadine Smith1, Matthias van Osch1, Andrew Webb1

1Radiology, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, Netherlands; 2Radiology, Hershey Medical School, Hershey, PA, United States

Although pulsed arterial spin labelling should benefit from high fields in terms of sensitivity and longer blood T1 values, there are significant challenges to its successful implementation. One of the major difficulties is in using commercial volume transmit coils for efficient arterial labelling due to the inherent B1 inhomogeneities produced by a human subject at high field. This work presents a simulation study, and confirmatory experimental results, which show that the use of appropriately-positioned water-based dielectric pads can be used to increase the labelling efficiency and improve the quality of ASL scans at 7 Tesla.