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Abstract #3745

0T MRI of Auto-Transplantation of Bone Marrow-Derived Stem-Progenitor Cells: Toward Cell-Based Repair of Injured Arteries

Yanfeng Meng1,2, Feng Zhang1, Tiffany Blair1, Huidong Gu1, Hongqing Feng1, Jinnan Wang3, Chun Yuan1, Zhaoqi Zhang2, Bensheng Qiu1, Xiaoming Yang1

1Radiology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, United States; 2Radiology, Beijing Anzhen Hospital, Beijing, China; 3Clinical Sites Research Program, Philips Research North America, Briarcliff Manor, NY, United States

This study was to validate the feasibility of using clinical 3.0T MRI to monitor the migration of auto-transplanted bone marrow cells (BMC) to the injured arteries of near-human-sized animals. BMCs were extracted endogenously, labeled with Feridex and/or PKH26, and then auto-transplanted back to the same animal. Post-cell transplantation 3.0T T2-MRI showed Feridex-created MR signal voids along the injured iliofemoral artery segments, which were not seen in the control arteries. Histology, including Prussian blue and dextran immunofluorescent staining as well as PKH26 fluorescence, confirmed the MRI findings. This study establishes groundwork for clinical 3.0T MRI of cell-based repair of injured arteries.
