Positano1, Matteo Milanesi1, Piergiorgio Masci1,
Thomas KIng Foo2, J C. Hardy2, Luca Marinelli2,
Andrea Barison, 1,3, Daniele De Marchi1, Massimo
Lombardi1, Luigi Landini4
1MRI Laboratory, "G-
Monasterio" Foundation and Istitute of Clinical Physiology, Pisa, Italy;
2Global Research Center, General Electric, Niskayuna, NY, United
States; 3Scuola Sant'Anna, Pisa, Italy; 4Department of
Information Engineering, University of Pisa, Italy
T1 mapping from Cine-IR images is feasible by warping the myocardium signal in
each frame on a standardized model, evaluating the pixel-by-pixel T1
distribution on the model, and finally warping back the resulting T1 map on
each frame.