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Abstract #3663

Navigator Guided High-Resolution Single-Shot Black-Blood TSE Images Using ZOOM and Sensitivity Encoding (SENSE) on a 32 Channel RF System

Raja Muthupillai1, Amol Pednekar2, Claudio Arena1, Scott D. Flamm1, Benjamin Y. Cheong1

1Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, St. Luke's Episcopal Hospital, Houston, TX, United States; 2Philips Healthcare

We demonstrate that by using a judicious combination of reduced FOV imaging (ZOOM), Sensitivity Encoding (SENSE), and half-scan, it is feasible to obtain diagnostic quality single-shot (SSH) dual-inversion recovery prepared black blood(BB) turbo spin echo(TSE) images with minimal image blurring during normal respiration. The results of the study, performed on 8 asymptomatic subjects, show that SSH T2-TSE images acquired using ZOOM+SENSE under navigator triggering, yield images with quality that is comparable to conventional multi-shot BB-TSE images acquired over a 14-16 heart beat breathhold.
