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Abstract #3644

Comparison of Scar Morphology by 3D Multi-Contrast Late Enhancement MRI, 3D DW-MRI and Histology in a Pig Model of Chronic Infarct

Mihaela Pop1, Venkat Ramanan, Yuesong Yang, Nilesh Ghugre, Beiping Qiang, Elliot R. McVeigh2, Alexander J. Dick3, Graham A. Wright

1Medical Biophysics, Sunnybrook Research Institute, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada; 2Biomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, United States; 3Cardiology, Sunnybrook Research Institute

Accurate assessment of the scar extent and tissue remodeling during healing is very important. To better understand the scar morphology associated with chronic infarct in a porcine model, we have developed and tested (ex vivo) a 3D pulse sequence based on multi-contrast late enhancement (MCLE) and a non-contrast 3D diffusion-weighted DW sequence, and compare the results against histopathology. We have found that 3D MCLE identifies fine heterogeneity of scar, and compares well the classification of pathology to that from apparent diffusion coeficient maps using DW-MRI.

infarctscarcontrastin vivohealthyheartinversionmyocardiumzoneschronicenhancementinstitutelatemodelmyocardialtissueaxiscirculationcorediffusionextentheartsheterogeneityhistologyporcineresolutionsegmentationselectshortsliceaccuratealterationapexapparentarchitecturearterybiophysicsbundlescharacteristicscoefficientdensefibergreenhealingheterogeneousinstanceintermediatelikemapsmedical