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Abstract #3627

A Comprehensive MR Examination of the Heart in Less Than 25 Minutes Using a Semi-Automated Image Acquisition Prototype

Michaela Schmidt1, Giso von der Recke2, Peter Speier3, Saurabh Shah4, Carmel Hayes3, David Hardung2, Heyder Omran5, Edgar Mueller6

1MR Application Development, Healthcare Sector, Siemens AG , Erlangen, Germany; 2St.-Marien-Hospital , Bonn, Germany; 3MR Application Development, Healthcare Sector, Siemens AG, Erlangen, Germany; 4MR R&D, Healthcare Sector, Siemens AG, Chicago, IL, United States; 5St.-Marien-Hospital, Bonn, Germany; 6MR Application Development, Healthcare Sector, Siemens AG, erlangen, Germany

In this study we evaluated a prototype designed for simplicity and speed in CMR examinations. Sixty five patients with suspected ischemic heart disease were imaged with the prototype. The prototype offers, among others, user guidance and patient-centric parameters, simplified, marker-based localization of the heart and automatic FOV calculation. Two users were experienced in and one user was inexperienced in CMR imaging. Without reducing the accuracy and quality of the result, examination times below 25 minutes could be achieved for the experienced users, the beginner managed to successfully complete cardiac examinations with excellent image quality in around 30 minutes.
