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Abstract #3523

Correlation of Changes in Brain Activation and Cognitive Impairment During 30 Hours of Continuous Sleep Deprivation Using Latent Growth Curve Analysis

Jason Glenn Parker1, Eric Zalusky1, J. Lynn Caldwell2, Regina M. Schmidt2, Laurie Quill3, Cemil Kirbas1, Ke Cheng Liu4

1Innovation Center, Kettering Health Network, Kettering, OH, United States; 2Human Effectiveness Directorate, Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton, OH, United States; 3Research Institute, University of Dayton, Dayton, OH, United States; 4Siemens Medical Solutions, United States

Previous studies correlating changes in fMRI activation with sleep deprivation-induced cognitive impairment have assumed a linear increase in cognitive impairment over a period of sleep deprivation, but this method fails to model the nonlinear effects of circadian rhythm on cognition. In this work, we seek to use a latent growth curve analysis which models each individual subject's fatigue vulnerability profile using a 3rd order polynomial to correlate changes in brain activation and deactivation between rested wakefulness and 30 hours of sleep deprivation with cognitive impairment.
