Qiang Xiong1,
Fei Du1, Xiao-hong Zhu1, Jianyi Zhang1,2,
Wei Chen1
1Center for Magnetic Resonance
Research, Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States; 2Medicine,
Lillehei Heart Institute, Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States
novel approach (T1nom) is presented for saturation transfer (ST) technique
that is suitable for super fast measuring and quantifying enzyme kinetics in
vivo. The T1nom approach features with arbitrarily repetition time,
saturation time and flip angle while maintaining simple quantification
algorithm that can be only achieved with very long TR and saturation time in
the case of conventional ST approach. The T1nom approach was optimized by
using numerical simulations. The results gave the guidelines for finding
TR/flip angle pairs that can give rise to be most accurate measurements of
kinetic rate constants within a given scan time. Finally, a practical
procedure is given for intervention/stimulation experiments where changes of
compound pool size ratios may be encountered.