Ilwoo Park1,2, Myriam Chaumeil2,
Tomoko Ozawa3, Sabrina M. Ronen1,2, Daniel B. Vigneron1,2,
C. David James3, Sarah J. Nelson1,2
1Joint Graduate group in
Bioengineering, University of California San Francisco/Berkeley, San
Francisco, CA, United States; 2Surbeck Laboratory of Advanced
Imaging, Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging, University of
California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, United States; 3Brain
Tumor Research Center, Department of Neurological Surgery, University of
California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, United States
have demonstrated the feasibility of using DNP hyperpolarized 13C1-pyruvate
to detect early response to Temozolomide treatment in an orthotopic human
glioblastoma xenograft model in rat brain. The 13C data from the
treated rats showed the ability to detect altered tumor metabolism as early
as one day after TMZ treatment initiation, while the tumor volume from T1
post-Gd imaging showed the first sign of reduction at the 8th day after the
initiation of treatment.