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Abstract #3246

Diffusion Tensor Imaging of the Calf Muscles at 1.5T: Diffusion Property Differences Between Athletes and Non-Athletes

Yoshikazu Okamoto1, Yuka Kujiraoka2, Manabu Minami3

1Radiology, University of Tsukuba Hospital , Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan; 2Radiology, Tsukuba Memorial Hopital, Japan; 3University of Tsukuba hospital, Japan

We compared@FA, eigenvalues, and ADC for bilateral gastrocnemius medialis (GCM),gastrocnemius lateralis (GCL), soleus (SOL) and anterior tibial (AT) muscles between athletically trained and not-trained skeletal muscle. In all eight muscles, all three eigenvalues and ADC were lower in trained muscle than in not-trained one. There were significant differences in all muscles as for 1 and ADC (P<0.01), all muscles (P<0.05) except for right AT in 2 and left SOL in 3.Our results indicated that chronic muscle hypertrophy due to training caused those differences as a result of decrease of the extracellular space of the muscle.
