Weckbach1, Henrik J. Michaely1, Alto Stemmer2,
Stefan O. Schoenberg1, Dietmar J. Dinter1
1Department of Clinical Radiology and
Nuclear Medicine, University Hospital Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany; 2Imaging
& IT Division, Magnetic Resonance, Siemens AG, Healthcare Sector,
Erlangen, Germany
new WB CTM protocol consisting of axial T2-w fs BLADE and T1-w GRE-sequences
allows the assessment of patients with multiple myeloma with comparable image
quality and identical ability to detect bone marrow and soft tissue lesions compared
to a standard step-by-step-protocol with even better organ assessability.
Scan time is reduced by 75%. Taking into account the limitations of the
technique concerning vertebral fracture assessment this new protocol seems
advantageous for patients with pain, allows a higher patient throughput in
clinical routine and might facilitate the depiction of extramedullary