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Abstract #3161

Spatial Normalization of Diffusion Spectrum Imaging Using Large Deformation Diffeomorphic Metric Mapping

Yung-Chin Hsu1, Ching-Han Hsu2, Wen-Yih Tseng3

1National Tsing Hua University, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan; 2National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan; 3Center for Optoelectronic Biomedicine and Department of Medical Imaging

Problems of image registration has been well studied in the neuroimaging field. However, the registration of the diffusion MRI data, especially to align the fiber orientations among different brains, is not readily applicable using current available packages. We generalized the conventional 3D registration to the 6D scenario by implementing LDDMM algorithm. The results demonstrate the proposed method is applicable for the registration between DSI datasets.
