Marcel Peter Zwiers1, Eelke Visser2,
David Gordon Norris2, Nico Papinutto3, Benedikt Andreas
1Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition
and Behaviour,
weighted (DW) partial-Fourier (PF) imaging is highly sensitive to cardiac
activity induced signal voids that depend critically on the image
reconstruction method. The current explanation is that these artefacts result
from incorrect phase estimation. We found that artefacts remained present in
the PF acquired images, even when using zero-padding reconstruction or true
(ideal) phase information. Cardiac pulsations induce phase gradients that can
shift the local low-frequency information into the unacquired part of
k-space. The associated signal voids are therefore irretrievable by any PF
reconstruction method. Thus, PF DW imaging should generally be avoided or
used solely with cardiac gating.