Nikola Streicher1, Andreas Schfer1, Bibek Dhital1,
Dirk Mller1, Robin Martin Heidemann1, Andre Pampel1,
Dimo Ivanov1, Robert Turner1
1Max Planck Institute for Human
Cognitive and Brain Sciences,
implemented a novel spin-echo EPI sequence that can acquire phase images of
different chemically-shifted protons at the same slice positions. Chemical
selection was achieved by applying different slice-select gradient amplitudes
for excitation and refocusing RF pulses, and phase sensitivity was obtained
using an asymmetric EPI readout. MR Thermometry was then performed on a
mixture of water and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), which has a proton chemical
shift of -2 ppm from water. The two compounds were then imaged alternately,
water for temperature sensitivity and DMSO to monitor field changes. Fat can
also be selectively imaged as a reference compound.