Hernan Jara1,
Stephan W. Anderson1, Osamu Sakai1, Jorge A. Soto1
There is great need for multi-spectral quantitative-MRI (qMRI) pulse
sequences that can be readily implemented in MRI scanners of different
manufacturers and field strengths. Methods: The Tandem-IR-DE-FSE sequences
were implemented in GE (1.5T-SIGNA HDx) and Bruker 11.7T scanners. Results:
Excellent directly-acquired and qMRI map image quality was obtained with both
scanners: PD, T1, and T2 maps of the brain are of good image quality and also
are give qMRI measures in good agreement with accepted values. Conclusion:
The Tandem IR-DE-FSE sequence can produce multispectral qMRI maps of PD, T1,
and T2 that are self co-registered, high spatial resolution, and with
clinical coverage.