Hendrik de
Leeuw1, Peter R. Seevinck1, Clemens Bos2,
Gerrit H. van de Maat1, Chris J.G. Bakker1
1Image Sciences Institute,
the advent of short-TE acquisitions, such as UTE and SWIFT, center out radial
acquisition schemes to fill k-space are gaining interest. Although these
short TE acquisitions minimize signal dephasing, they still suffer from field
inhomogeneities in terms of geometric distortion. Still geometrically
accurate depiction and localization of local field disturbers can be achieved
by a 3D center-out radial acquisition by using off-resonance acquisition or
reconstruction (RASOR). The advantage of RASOR reconstruction is a more
precise determination of shape and location of the field disturbance, while
retaining the original image.