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Abstract #2688

Comparison of DCE-MRI and DCE-CT in Patients with Renal Cell Carcinoma: Effects of Temporal Resolution and Total Measurement Time

Colleen Bailey1,2, Mostafa Atri3, Georg A. Bjarnason1, Greg J. Stanisz1,2

1Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronto, ON, Canada; 2University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada; 3University Health Network, Toronto, ON, Canada

Patients with renal cell carcinoma were scanned with DCE-MRI (temporal resolution 3.7 s) and DCE-CT (temporal resolution 1 s). ROIs across the tumour volume were analyzed using the Kety-Tofts two-compartment model of perfusion. The volume transfer constant, Ktrans, did not correlate between the two modalities. The extravascular extracellular volume, ve, showed weak correlation. Undersampling the DCE-CT data to similar temporal resolution as the DCE-MRI data systematically underestimated Ktrans, whereas restricting the DCE-MRI data, initially acquired over five minutes, to the two minute acquisition time of the DCE-CT data resulted in a systematic underestimation of ve and an overestimation of Ktrans.
