Jason Philipp Lerch1, Amanpreet Badhwar2,3,
Edith Hamel2, John G. Sled1
1Mouse Imaging Centre, Hospital for
Sick Children, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; 2McGill University,
Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 3 (contributed equally to this abstract)
we used a mouse model of Alzheimers Disease (AD) with impaired spatial
learning to test whether a capacity to learn is necessary for training
induced MRI detectable volume changes to occur. Mice were trained on two
different versions of the Morris Water Maze, fixation perfused and scanned
overnight at 32 m isotropic resolution. As hypothesized, hippocampal based
spatial learning was impaired in AD mice, whereas striatum dependent
non-spatial learning was equivalent between AD and wild-type mice. The data
presented herein thus indicates that learning is a requirement for MRI
detectable plasticity.