William Matthew Holmes1, Maria Rosario Lopez
Gonzalez2, Lindsay Gallagher1, Graeme A. Deuchar1,
I M. Macrae1, Celestine Santosh3
1GEMRIC, Wellcome Surgical Institute,
Univeristy of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom; 2SINAPSE, Clinical
Physics, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom; 3Institute
of Neurological Sciences, Southern General Hospital, Glasgow, United Kingdom
of the most important considerations when treating acute stroke patients is
to establish whether potentially salvageable (penumbral) tissue is still
present within the brain. Currently perfusion-diffusion mismatch MRI is used,
which is an indirect measure lacking precision . Here we propose a new MRI method
for imaging the ischaemic penumbra based on the brains capacity to use
lactate as a metabolic substrate. Spectroscopic imaging is used to map the
changes in tissue lactate induced by giving a challenge of 100% oxygen.