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Abstract #2195

MRI Acceptance Protocol for the Multicenter GO Glioblastoma Project

Sylvain Ollivro1,2, Pierre Antoine Eliat3, Eric Hitti, 2,3, Loan Tran1, Jacques Donald de Certaines1,4, Herv Saint-Jalmes2,4

1Cancrople Grand Ouest, Rennes, France; 2LTSI, INSERM, U642, Universit Rennes 1, Rennes, France; 3PRISM, IFR 140/Biogenouest, Universit Rennes 1, Rennes, France; 4CRLCC, Rennes, France

We have verified thanks to a specific common quality control that 7 MRI devices included in a multicenter clinical project, had homogenous and acceptable characteristics to allow quantification and comparison between parameters extracted from different patient images acquired on different sites and to permit correlation with biopsies. This quality control was established with sequences from the MRI protocol. The studied parameters slightly varied depending on the different sites and MRI manufacturers and were in the awaiting of the project. This kind of quality control procedure should be included at the early beginning of any multicenter clinical projects involving quantitative MRI.