Schubert1, Andreas Klaer2, Martina Ballmaier2,
Karolina Leopold2, Ines Haeke2, Martin Schaefer3,
Ruediger Bruehl1, Juergen Gallinat2
1Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt,
Berlin, Germany; 2Charite University Medicine, Berlin, Germany; 3Kliniken
Essen, Essen, Germany
used single voxel 1H-MRS at 3 Tesla to measure absolute NAA concentrations
and, as a gold standard of CNS volumetry, a validated delineation protocol
for the hippocampus to study the interaction between between hippocampal NAA
reduction and volume deficits in 29 schizophrenic patients and 44 controls.
The hippocampus of the patients exhibited a significantly smaller volume and
lower NAA concentration than that of healthy controls. For schizophrenic
patients a significant negative correlation between hippocampal NAA
concentration and volume was observed. The results argue for a coexistent
neurochemical and structural deficit in the hippocampus of schizophrenic