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Abstract #2073

Quantification of Formalin-Fixed MS Brain Tissue Parameters T1, T2*, PD and Phase at 7T and Comparison with Histopathology

Cherian Renil Zachariah1, David Pitt2, Peter Wassenar1, Bradley D. Clymer1, Amir Abduljalil1, Michael V. Knopp1, Petra Schmalbrock1

1Radiology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, United States; 2Neurology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, United States

Depiction of cortical demyelination in MS is still hampered by low contrast, spatial resolution and specificity.This study applies T2*-gradient echo and inversion recovery turbo field echo (IR-TFE) sequences 7T to image formalin-fixed tissue specimen and measure T1,T2*,PD and phase differences. We notice that PD maps and phase maps may be promising for enhancing cortical lesion depiction . Following MRI, specimen were cut and labeled with anti-myelin basic protein antibodies to detect myelin and with anti-CD68 antibodies to detect activated macrophages/microglia. Scanned histology slides were scored for cortical lesions and compared to MRI

specimentissueformalinmagnitudecontrastfixedfieldin vivocorticalbraincomputedironwaterbulkdetectlesionlesionslinearnoteproteinregressionstudiestableantiantibodies