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Abstract #1926

T1 Mapping of the Heart with Cardio-Respiratory-Gated Look-Locker MRI Quantifies T1 Shortening Due to Gd-Labeled Macrophage Infiltration After Acute Myocardial Infarction

Nivedita Naresh1, Moriel Vandsburger1, Alexander Klibanov, 12, Patrick Antkowiak1, Yaqin Xu1, Brent A. French1,3, Frederick H. Epstein1,3

1Biomedical Engineering, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, United States; 2Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, University of Virginia; 3Department of Radiology, University of Virginia

Macrophages play the critical role of clearing necrotic debris in the wound healing response that follows myocardial infarction (MI). Two days after MI, we labeled macrophages in vivo using intravenous liposomes containing gadolinium. On day 5 after MI, cardiorespiratory-gated (CRG) Look-Locker MRI of the heart quantified T1 shortening of the infarct zone secondary to infiltration of the labeled macrophages. The T1 shortening effect was dependent upon the dose of liposomes. Macrophage labeling with Gd-liposomes and T1-mapping with CRG Look-Locker imaging may prove useful for quantitative MRI of post-MI macrophage infiltration in preclinical murine studies.

micepostmouseinjectedlockercontrolinfarctlookmacrophagezonemyocardiallabelingmyocardiumshorteninginfarctioninfiltrationmacrophagesarrowsdaysinversionacutemappingrespiratorywhitedecreaseeithergatedheartin vivomaps