1Department of Neurosurgery, Mayo
Clinic, Rochester, MN, United States; 2Department of Radiology,
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, United States; 3Department of
Engineering, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, United States; 4Department
of Psychology, University of Memphis; 5Biological Sciences,
Illinois State University
techniques such as fast-scan cyclic votlammetry (FSCV) and constant-potential
amperometry (CPA) have revolutionized neuroscience research by supporting
temporally, spatially, and chemically resolved neurotransmitter measurements
in the brain. CPA and FSCV were performed by a small, digital-telemetry
device called a wireless instantaneous neurotransmitter concentration system
(WINCS) specifically developed for neurochemical monitoring. Test
measurements were collected during simultaneous 3T imaging using a fast spin
echo sequence. WINCS dynamically recorded dopamine electrochemical signatures
with sub-second temporal resolution and with high fidelity. We demonstrate
proof-of-concept for combining WINCS real-time neurochemical measurements and
3T MRI that may offer simultaneous neurochemical monitoring during fMRI.