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Abstract #1830

Real-Time MR-Thermometry and Dosimetry for Interventional Guidance on Abdominal Organs

Sbastien Roujol1,2, Mario Ries1, Bruno Quesson1, Chrit Moonen1, Baudouin Denis de Senneville1

1laboratory for molecular and functional imaging: from physiology to therapy, CNRS/ University Bordeaux 2, Bordeaux, Aquitaine, France; 2LaBRI, University Bordeaux 1, Talence, Aquitaine, France

A computationally efficient pipeline for 2D motion compensated PRF-thermometry and thermal dose measurements on moving abdominal organs is presented. The method is designed to address both, inter-scan and intra-scan artifacts by applying high frame-rate MRI coupled with a real-time image processing. The proposed MR-thermometry method was evaluated in both liver and kidney of 11 healthy volunteers and achieved a precision of less than 2 C in 70 % of the pixels. The ability to perform MR-Thermometry and Dosimetry in-vivo was demonstrated on one HIFU-heating experiment on a porcine kidney.
