Loredana Baboi1, Magalie Viallon1,
Sylvain Terraz1, Thomas Goget1, Denis Morel2,
Christoph Becker1, Rares Salomir1
1Department of Radiology, University
Hospital of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland; 2Department of
Anesthesiology, Pharmacology and Surgical Intensive Care, University Hospital
of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
is a hybrid technology which aims to offer efficient and safe thermal
ablation of targeted tumors or other pathological tissues, while preserving
the normal surrounding structures unaltered.
Theoretically MRgHIFU has no limitation on lesion size [1]. The main
challenge is to avoid near and far field heating [2]. We demonstrate here
that beam reflection on bones is a major problem whenever bone is situated in
the proximity of the prescribed region for sonication, even laterally from
the main beam axis. This study evaluates selective de-activation of
phased-array transducers elements as a potential strategy to reduce bone