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Abstract #1745

Improved ASL Imaging with 3D GRASE PROPELLER

Huan Tan1, W. Scott Hoge2, Craig A. Hamilton1, Robert A. Kraft1

1Virgina-Tech Wake Forest School of Biomedical Engineering, Winston-Salem, NC, United States; 2Radiology, Brigham and Women's Hosptial, Boston, MA, United States

3D GRASE offers an inherent SNR advantage for ASL perfusion imaging over conventional 2D EPI. However, it suffers from through-plane blurring due to T2 decay that reduces image quality and limits spatial resolution. Incorporating a PROPELLER trajectory into 3D GRASE reduces the ETL and subsequently the through-plane blurring. Furthermore, a PROPELLER trajectory is less susceptible to field inhomogeneities due to its shorter echo train length. In summary, 3D GRASE PROPELLER improves ASL perfusion images without increasing scan time while maintaining the perfusion SNR.
