Matt G. Hall1, Thomas Richard Barrick2
1Dept of Computer Science, University
College London, London, United Kingdom; 2Centre for Clinical
Neuroscience, Division of Cardiac & Vasculas Sciences, St Georges,
University of London, London, United Kingdom
theory of anomalous diffusion applied to diffusion imaging predicts a
stretched-exponential form for the decay of diffusion-weighted signal with
b-value. We generalise this to consider diretional anisotropy of the
parameters of the stretched-exponential form. The resulting technique
(anomalous diffusion tensor imaging) provides estimates of tensors describing
diffusivity and tissue heteroegeneity in each scan voxel. We apprly the
technique to healthy in vivo data and use the resulting tensors to infer
tissue microstructure perform streamline tractography in the corpus callosum.