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Abstract #1681

A New Combined Distance Measure for the Clustering of Fiber Tracts in Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI)

Christian Ros1, Daniel Gllmar1, Juergen R. Reichenbach1

1Medical Physics Group, Institute for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Jena University Hospital, Jena, Germany, Jena, Thuringia, Germany

In recent years various fiber tractography methods have been evolved. Although these resulting tractograms offers plenty of information, they are rarely used in clinical routine due to the fact that processing is often time-consuming and an experienced operator is essential to obtain good results. To overcome this limitations cluster analysis can be employed to partition fiber tracts into clusters through comparison of tract-specific features or similarity measures. The aim of this study was to develop a new combined similarity measure that combines a shape based distance measure with other distance measures.
