Mohammadi1, Volkmar H. Glauche2, Simon S. Keller1,
Michael Deppe1
1Department of Neurology,
developments have enabled automated voxel-based statistical (VBS) analyses of
fractional anisotropy (FA) images (FA-VBS). However, due to the lack of a
gold standard the question, which spatial normalization is best for FA-VBS,
is still not answered. To assess the influence of the registration on the
FA-VBS results, we investigate the white matter (WM) of juvenile myoclonic
epilepsy patients with a-priori known damage that correlates with the
frequency of generalized tonic-clonic seizures (GTCS). To perform the
registration we used the SPM-normalization toolbox. We showed that the
correlation between GTCS and WM-damage was best detected if multi-contrast,
iterative registration was used.