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Abstract #1538

Frequency-Division Multiplexing for Concurrent Imaging and Field Monitoring

Matteo Pavan1, Signe Johanna Vannesj1, Christoph Barmet1, David Brunner1, Klaas Paul Pruessmann1

1ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland

Frequency Division Multiplexing has been used from engineers since a long time to carry different signals in the same transmission line. The method consists to add signals with non-overlapping frequencies content to each other. Each signal can be fully recovered with passband filtering. In this work we use this technique to acquire in the same spectrometer channel both image information and magnetic-field-monitoring information. The image can be eventually reconstructed taking into account the actual measured magnetic field dynamic. Magnetic field monitoring is performed measuring the phase information in four fluorine probe; with this method additional channels are not need.
