Nicolas Boulant1, Martijn Cloos1,
Alexis Amadon1, Guillaume Ferrand2, Michel Luong2,
Christopher Wiggins1, Denis Le Bihan1, David Ian Hoult3
1NeuroSpin, CEA, Gif sur Yvette,
France; 2Irfu, CEA, Gif sur Yvette, France; 3Institute
for Biodiagnostics, National Research Council, Winnipeg, MB, Canada
the considerable variations one can observe in peak local SAR among all
possible driving configurations of a Tx-array, the question of how robust
both SAR and flip angle distributions are with respect to small perturbations
remains. A head displacement for instance not only changes the solutions of
Maxwells equations but also the tuning of the coils. Now Cartesian feedback
has been proposed as a solution to the latter problem. We therefore present
the results of simulations showing the effects of small rotations of the head
upon the flip angle and SAR with and without Cartesian feedback being