Giles Roditi1,
1Radiology, Glasgow Royal Infirmary,
Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom; 2Vascular Surgery, Glasgow
Royal Infirmary, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
for bypass grafting need vein suitability assessed. High resolution blood pool contrast agent
imaging compared to ultrasound in 20 patients with gadofosveset for MRA. Deep veins assessed for patency, quality
& calibre. Vein diameters
assessed as similar calibre. MRA showed more veins, divisions and perforating
tributaries. MRI studies judged more
informative than the descriptive ultrasound reports except for one patient
with poor image quality due to severe pain during scan. Lower limb MRA
performed with blood pool contrast agent and steady state imaging may obviate
additional ultrasound examination in assessment for potential bypass
grafting. Challenge to ensure consistent image quality.